First Responders provide accident and emergency services for people in need of urgent medical treatment and transport throughout the area around Nayland.
They make sure patients with serious life-threatening injuries and illnesses get the care they need 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
Nayland community first responders (CFRs) are volunteers who are trained to attend certain types of emergency calls in the area where they live or work.
Their aim is to reach a potential life threatening emergency in the first vital minutes before the ambulance crew arrives.
Their role is to help stabilise the patient and provide the appropriate care until the more highly skilled ambulance crew arrives on scene to take over the treatment.
There are 6 responders in Nayland, all volunteers. They cover a 5 mile radius and have often been called to SbN Golf Club. The team are self funded, the only item provided by the NHS is a work shirt. All their uniforms, kit, communication equipment comes from themselves, or donations. They have 2 1/2 kit bags between 6 of them, so quite often, these are transferred at the end of a shift. 2 of their defibs are 10 years old! Anything we can offer would be extremely valuable.
Any funds raised by the Seniors Section will be ring fenced for supporting the CFRs in the Nayland area.