Stoke by Nayland
February 2025
From your Captain:
Fellow Seniors
Welcome to the February newsletter.
It’s been a quiet time for the senior section, but we can now tick off one of the dismal months of winter. February to go, before, hopefully, March will bring spring and some better conditions.
It’s great to see the level of support the competitions are getting. There are only a handful of spaces left in the 4BBB competition on Feb 5thand ‘3 clubs and a putter’ is filling up nicely. There has also been a strong turnout in the weekly swindle.
There has been a little bit of confusion over the senior county teams, as ClubV1 still has the listing down for the 2024 events. If you believe you have signed up but not been contacted at all, don’t hesitate to contact the team captains, Eric Fisher and Ian McKay, or myself, for clarification.
My thanks must go to John Williams, for once again organising the ‘Dry February’ campaign. I understand there are circa 20 people signed up for it, which will raise a nice sum for my charity, Nayland Community First Responders. Whether or not you stick to it for the whole month, I do thank you for your donations. I will abstain for the first three weeks, but a holiday at the end of February will most likely see a lapse in effort. Whether you do a part of the campaign, or the whole of it, I’m sure your body and liver will thank you. The support also reinforces the kind and charitable nature of the section.
Whilst referring to charity, the club held a First Aid demonstration evening, hosted by fellow member Anita Sparrow and supported by Ryan from the First Responders. This was a free event, but donations to my charity at the end of the evening were encouraged. I’m pleased to report the evening raised £214. If you weren’t able to attend, keep your eyes open as there may be a repeat later on in the year. It was an evening full of useful information, practical tips and hands on experience in, amongst other things, the use of CPR, defibrillators and how to combat choking. All very beneficial knowledge that you hope you never have to use.
Have a great February and may your pancakes not stick to the ceiling!
Kevin Price
Senior Captain 2025
Disclaimer: The following is a light-hearted review of the previous month’s events. No offence is intended, I hope none is taken!
Full (formal) information can always be found on the senior’s website
All club information can be found at
Greetings fellow Seniors – and good luck (as well as many thanks) to those of you who, having endured Dry January, have signed up to John Williams’ Dry February.
January can be a quiet month: the combination of distinctly dodgy weather, as well as only a few competitions, means that there is not an awful lot to report Add to this the vice captain’s current absence from the course, and I hope you will understand why this month’s offering is on the short side!
The Monthly Stableford took place on 8th January – and congratulations on a swansong win for Phil Hickley, now displaying his proficiency at Purdis, and to Andy Caldwell, who is celebrating his maiden victory by spending the rest of the winter in South Africa!
The following week saw a Midweek Stableford, and well played Messrs Fleuty, Allen, Wardle and Drew, who did the Seniors’ Section proud by taking the first four places in Division 2.
The next competitive action is a Fourball Betterball on 5th February, where only a few spots still remain, followed by the 3 Clubs and a Putter contest on 12th. Plenty of room still available for what is, at least for your humble correspondent, a fun competition, although that may not be the emotion that springs to mind when trying to get out of a bunker with a 7 iron!
Many Happy Returns to all members who have had their birthdays in January, and finally welcome back to Paul Gregan, who has rejoined the section and Clive Stedman, who is a new member to the Seniors.
As always, if anyone wishes to share any “amusing” stories with me for the next newsletter, this can be done anonymously, or otherwise, by emailing .