Welcome to Stoke by Nayland Senior’s, it was formed in 1981 and offers a wide range of golfing related events for the retired male golf club members. Our aim being to offer a warm welcome to both new and existing members. Our motto ...." NUMQUAM SOLUM AMBULANT " --" Never Walk Alone" or in our case never play alone.
We ‘the Seniors’ fully support the Stoke by Nayland Management Board’s Mission and Vision Statement – Link to mission and vision statement
Joining - how do I join and how much does it cost?
You need to be a 5 Day or 7 Day member of the Men’s Section of the Stoke by Nayland Golf Club AND either 60 years of age or over OR 55 years of age or over and fully retired.
Then simply fill in an application form or contact our Captain, Kevin Price, on kevinprice@btinternet.comto the address on the form. You will be invoiced by the club for your membership fee.
The annual membership fee for the Senior’s for 2025 is £10:00, £20 for new members which includes your Seniors' baseball cap.
Who’s who.
Captain – Kevin Price
Vice Captain - Graham Cork
Inter-club matches – Pete Hele, Kevin Price, Graham Cork & Malcolm Norton
Communications – Graham Cork
Website & new members – Peter Jay
It is the responsibility of each member to make sure they are fully conversant with the competition conditions as set out in the SbN Senior’s Competition manual. Link to Senior’s Competition Manual.
We currently organise 32 competitions during a playing season. All of these are bookable via the ClubV1/HDID App unless otherwise informed. Check the ‘About This Competition’ panel when entering as it provides a description of the event, detailing format and other relevant information.
A couple of days before the event you will receive an email confirming your tee time, location of the nearest the pin competition (if applicable) and other instructions which are designed to facilitate the smooth administration and prompt closure of the competition. Please read and comply with these.
When we are experiencing adverse weather conditions keep an eye on your emails as this is the way you will be informed of any changes or cancellations.
Competitions are split into three categories, qualifying, non-qualifying and knock out competitions.
All competitions require members to have played 12 qualifying rounds in the previous 12 months to be eligible to win a prize. Members may play in a competition without having 12 qualifying cards, but must still pay an entry fee even though they can’t win a prize.
The membership is split into two handicap groups, Division 1 (handicap index 0 -16.4) and Division 2 (handicap index 16.5 – 54) so prizes can be awarded equally to both ability groups. Players will move between divisions as and when their WHS index changes.
Qualifying Events
Qualifying events include a monthly stableford competition. Division 1 players are required to play from white tee positions and Division 2 players are to play from green tee box or white if they so wish. This is subject to qualifying course being available during the winter period.
For six of these events, you are free to choose your playing partners, the other six are drawn tee times, all you have to do is decide which time zone you wish to play in. In addition to the cash prizes (paid direct to your members card) for 1st to 4th places in both divisions, the winners of each will receive an engraved glass tankard, other prizes include nearest the pin competition and twos on par 3’s.
Other competitions that we run in conjunction with our monthly stableford competitions are:
The flagship event being the Seniors Championship which is two rounds medal play, one on each course. An additional requirement is that 3 out of the 12 required qualifying rounds must have been competitions organised by the Senior’s.
Non-qualifying events
These are a mixture of different formats such as Greensomes, 4 ball better ball, Texas scramble etc. the make-up of the teams is decided by drawing players from the two ability groups (High Low mix). These are very enjoyable and a great way to play with other members you may not have the opportunity to play with before.
KO Competitions
There are summer KO competitions for pairs and singles and winter singles. The course you play is decided by the competitors, or by toss of the coin if necessary. Played from green tee boxes. Draw to take place via Club V1 member’s hub and all competitors will be notified by email of their opponents.
The players contesting each round arrange mutually acceptable dates within the time frame published on club V1 member’s hub. Failure to complete the match by the due date may result in forfeit of the match. You can track all the Senior KO competition results in the knockout section on ClubV1.
On the day of the competition
In line with current requirements from the SbN for all qualifying competition scores, or qualifying general play rounds, players must use mobile phones to sign in before play, and to enter scores including selecting who marked your card when finished (using How Did I Do for club competitions and general play rounds, or England Golf as an alternative for general play rounds).
IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO select the correct tee boxes you played from before you enter your score. Once this is done it cannot be changed. Failure to do this may result in disqualification.
Those members who have a genuine reason for not using mobile phones, or are having difficulty with the technology, should make themselves known to Harry Hibbert on and he will organise for the Pro Shop to help out.
The use of the PSI in the clubhouse is ONLY to be used for returning scores in non-qualifying competitions e.g. Greensomes, 4BBB, Pairs, Scrambles etc.
We are still asking you all to take care when filling in your scorecard and recording your score. Please ensure it is legible, use a biro if that makes it clearer.
Inter-club matches
Each year, Stoke by Nayland Seniors’ fields a team to play in matches against other local clubs, at home and away. Each team is made up of sixteen members, playing eight four-ball, better ball games. The prime objective behind team selection is to find a place for everyone throughout all the matches who puts his name forward to play, and pick teams that will give both an enjoyable day out and good opposition for the other team.
If you wish to play in these matches, you must have an active handicap, have played in at least three Seniors Stableford or Medal competitions during the twelve months prior to your entry (unless you are a new member in your first year), and be registered in the Squad via the Club V1 Members Hub/Club Teams app. Once registered, you will have visibility of all the fixtures and can then select your "availability" to play. A Practice Guide of how to register in the squad and use the system to show your availability to play is set out below.
Team selection will be made from all those who have indicated their availability using the on-line system. For each match, the team will be selected 2 weeks in advance of the match date and all players selected will be notified by email. The team sheet will also be posted on the Seniors website. If you are selected all you need to do is reply by email to the Match Secretary by way of confirmation.
In the event that you have been selected and then realise you cannot play, then you should contact the first available reserve on the team sheet and invite him to play instead of you. If he cannot play then you ask the next reserve and so on. When you have found a replacement, it is imperative that you contact the Match Secretary to advise him of the change. If there are no reserves available, contact the Match Secretary who will then find a replacement. Failure to keep the Match Secretary informed of problems which means the team is short, or failure to turn up, is totally unacceptable and may result in a ban from further matches.
As a playing member of the team, you would be expected to wear the Seniors’ white golf club shirt and light blue golf jersey or pullover; these items of clothing have the Seniors’ club logo on them. If you don’t have these items or need to replace them, please contact the Pro Shop.
Most of our inter club matches both home and away have a meal, Smart Casual is the expected dress code. If you have any special dietary requirements, please contact the Match organiser with details as soon as possible before the scheduled match.
Vets Inter Club Tournament
This is a Singles Stableford competition consisting of 10 teams from the local golf clubs with the best 9 scores to count.
Essex Golf Union Competitions
There are 2 Essex Golf Union Team competitions for Seniors.
The Essex Seniors Team Championship (Hcp index max 15.0) 11 players per team and The John Day Trophy (Hcp index 11.0 - 24.0) 9 players per team.
Any SbN member over the age of 55 can play in either of these teams and need not be members of the Seniors Group. In order to play in matches a player must have 12 qualifying scores in the 12 months before the date of a match. Both are individual match-play straight knock out competitions.
Please register your interest in the relevant section of Club Teams on ClubV1 even if you have done so before as the previous squads have been deleted.
Every week there is a ‘swindle’ which is a drawn event which allows members both new and old to integrate and play together. If you are interested in playing in these, speak to the captain who will arrange for your name to be added to the WhatsApp group.
VC Tour
Each year the Vice Captain organisers a 3 day ‘golf tour’ at a venue of their choice. The venue for 2025 is Greetham Valley GC from 1eth to 15th May.
Senior’s Website
The Seniors have their own website. This is administered by Peter Jay and provides the most up to date and comprehensive information on all aspects of the Senior’s golfing activities. This includes details of upcoming matches and competitions, results and match reports and lots more on what’s happening with SbN Seniors golfing. Check it out using the link below.
Away Days
A number of away days are organised at other local golfclubs at an additional cost. If you are interested in playing in these, speak to the captain who will arrange for your name to be added to the WhatsApp group.
Captain’s Charity
Our Captain's chosen charity this year is Nayland Community First Responders - providing accident and emergency services within the Nayland area.
The Captains Charity Golf Day is the focal point of my fundraising activities, this takes place on Monday 23rd June, it’s a High Low drawn 4 player team event, best 2 scores from 4 to count, 85% handicap, guest players allowed, but should be of senior age and have a current WHS handicap. A great way to have a fun day’s golf and raised money for this very worthy cause.
You don’t have to wait until the charity golf day to support my charity, feel free to make a donation at any time, perhaps you can think of a way to raise funds and have fun at the same time.
Other organised events: -
Captain and Vice-Captain Challenge.
Introduced in 2023 was the Captain and Vice-Captain challenge, choose a partner, arrange a date with the captain and see if you can beat them in a 4 ball better ball matchplay challenge. A donation to the Senior Captain's charity is expected as a condition of entry.
Storehouse Foodbank Charity – Yuletide scramble
In recent years the SbN Seniors have been supporting the local Charity – Storehouse Food bank. Storehouse Foodbank is a compassion ministry run by Stour Valley Vineyard Church, who aim to help local families and individuals in crisis.
They rely totally on the generosity of the local community for food and financial donations. There have around 26 volunteers, as well as two part-time salaried staff.
Volunteers have key roles and are part of different teams, including Drop-in Welcomers, Drop-in Assessors, Home Delivery, Stock Room and Collection Teams.
The Yuletide Scramble competition is a free to enter competition so we ask members to make a cash donation to the foodbank instead of an entry fee. Please make a donation even if you are not playing in the competition.
Our link to the foodbank is Roger Davies who is happy to collect any donations from members. Making a donation via Roger also enable him to claim an additional 25% through gift aid scheme at no extra cost to you.
Formats of Play
Better Ball
A best ball competition in which the teams are comprised of two players. The two players on the team each play their own ball throughout the round. The low score, or better ball, among the two on each hole is the team's score for that hole.
Foursomes is a competition format in which teams are comprised of two players each, and the players alternate hitting the same ball. Players alternate hitting tee shots so that the same player doesn't hit every drive ie One player elects to drive the first hole and will then drive on every odd numbered hole, the other partner playing the even hole tee shots.
Greensomes, is a competition format in which teams are comprised of two players each Both players on a team tee off, the best of the two tee balls is selected and that ball is then played alternate-shot until holed.
American Greensomes
American Greensomes, is a similar competition format to Greensomes. Both players on a team tee off, then they play their ball again. After the second shot the best ball is selected and that ball is then played alternate-shot until holed.
St Andrews Greensomes
On all holes both players drive off. Before starting the first hole of the round, the players must decide which player will play the second stroke on ALL odd-numbered holes and the other player plays the second stroke on ALL even-numbered holes. This selection of player applies irrespective of whose tee shot is used on that hole. Each subsequent stroke on a hole is made in alternating order through to completion of the hole.
Can be played in singles or in teams foursomes or fourballs. Basically you play for a hole. If you score better than your playing partner/s then you win the hole and go one up. If you win the next hole you go two up and so on. If you are say three up with three to play this is called 'Dormie' because you cannot lose. If you are still level by the end of 18 holes then you finish all square unless you have to find a winner in which case you keep playing under sudden death rules until someone wins.
A Stableford competition is a golf tournament in which the object is to get the highest score. That's because in Stableford, golfers are awarded points based on their score related to the par of the nett hole: -
Stroke Play
The standard form of golf that you would play in medal competitions or maybe just friendly rounds. You simply just mark your score down that you score and add up to get a total at the end.
Texas Scramble (Florida Scramble)-
Texas Scramble is a team competition format of four players All 4 players tee off. The team then select the best ball to play. All except the owner of that ball play from the approximate spot where it lay. (So only 3 balls are played). Then same as before -the best of the 3 balls is selected and again, the owner doesn't play and 3 balls are hit. This format continues until the green is reached. Once on the green the location of the best ball is selected. The only difference now is once a ball is selected, all 4 players play. First ball in the hole determines the score.
Kevin Price
Seniors Captain - 2024 / 2025